Please participate in our online survey on karst groundwater resources in the Mediterranean area!

In the framework of the project, the KARMA survey is carried out in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of how the regional experts assess the importance of the tools for improved karst groundwater management developed in the KARMA project:

  • Modeling tools
  • Vulnerability maps
  • Early warning systems (EWS) for groundwater contamination
  • Mediterranean Karst Aquifer Map and database (MEDKAM)

The survey is conducted using the Google Forms survey management application. To fill the survey no more than five minutes of your time are required.

Your contribution is fundamental to help us correctly address and specify our goals and tools to current needs, and to identify further demand for research and services in the Mediterranean groundwater sector.

Comments and evaluations from members of the entire groundwater community are very useful, not only from people living in Mediterranean countries and working on karst aquifers. Information collected by groundwater experts from different countries and based on experience with other aquifer typologies is equally relevant for our study.

You can access the questionnaire in English or Spanish, deadline is 15th December 2020.

If you are interested to know the results of the survey or need additional information, please contact the authors of the survey listed below. Thank you in advance for your collaboration!

Online survey (English)

Online survey (Spanish)