Eastern Ronda Mountains The Ronda Mountains are located about 100 km west of the city of Malaga. Its catchment extends over an area of approx. 43 km² and consists of intermediate to high karstified Jurassic limestone and dolostone. There are several karst springs in the area, some of which are used for irrigation, but also to supply drinking water to Malaga and its associated settlements. One of the most important springs is the Canamero spring, which has an average discharge of 374 l/s. The landscape is characterized by olive trees, agriculture and urban areas, which have partly led to chemical pollution of the groundwater by fertilisers. The decreasing spring baseflow poses a major challenge and therefore research is focusing on the future impacts of climate change, the quantification of groundwater resources and future water availability in terms of drought events.
(source: Barberá 2014) |
Barberá, J.A., 2014. Investigaciones hidrogeológicas en los acuíferos carbonáticos de la Serranía oriental de Ronda (Málaga). PhD Thesis. University of Málaga (Spain), 620 pp (in Spanish and English).